Empowering authors, Publishing dreams

Let’s bring your book into the world, together.

Let's Get your book published!

Our team

Amanda Miller is a self-publishing consultant based in Connecticut, who works with a larger organization called My Word Publishing that provides access to all the resources you will need to produce, publish and distribute a professional book. 

  • Writing Coaches
  • Award-winning editors
  • Award-winning cover designers and book formatters
  • Illustrators
  • Book marketing specialists
  • Printers
  • Indexers and more!

And most importantly, a step-by-step process to seamlessly guide you through the self-publishing maze—saving you from making costly mistakes.

self-publishing benefits


  • Author keeps 100% ownership of their creative works.
  • Every project is customized – no generalized packages. 
  • Save time and money.
  • YOU make the final decisions while you work with professional editors, book designers, and experts.

Flexible Pricing

We feel strongly about guiding authors in self-publishing their books based on their budget. We work with authors in four ways; full project management, by the service, by the hour, and even by the question. This flexibility has allowed us to manage authors based on their price point, keeping them from costly mistakes. Some options are better than others based on your goals. 

To learn more about costs to expect and get some preliminary price ranges, click on the link below.


I cannot say enough amazing things about My Word Publishing and about Amanda Miller!! This is an all-hands-on deck approach when it comes to getting your book published, marketed, and promoted!! The support I experienced from day one has been paramount! As a first-time author, I came into this process with little knowledge or confidence. Polly has ensured that I not only knew the best ways to market and self-promote but has also taught me along the way and provided tools and resources I never would have known about! Amanda has been a constant light in this process – she has held my hand and walked me through each and every step. Not only has she been my consultant, she has been my cheerleader and has continued to inspire me to go BIG each and every day!!

Kylee Marshall

Author of Dirt and Wildflowers

On the blog

AI Writing Tools

AI Writing Tools

While artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools may sound like a dream come true for those with high content demands in their life or business, there are many concerns about the legalities of its use for publication and what using these tools might mean for the future of writing and publishing.
With the advent of AI, writing tools can now generate content for you, from as little as title ideas to entire chunks of content for blogs and paragraphs to chapters.

How to Self-Publish a Book

How to Self-Publish a Book

If you were to Google “How to self-publish a book”, over 9-million responses pop up. So how do you know what’s the right option for you? With the advent of print-on-demand intersecting with the hi-tech world of the day, the beauty is that there is no longer a nebulous gatekeeper sitting in a New York City skyscraper deciding if your content is good enough to put into the world. Anyone can get their content into the world. Awesome! But the bad news is that anyone can get their content into the world.