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Thanks for signing up for a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your book goals and dreams! Here are some next steps to ensure smooth sailing from here (because we all know how messy technology can be at times!)  

amanda miller self publishing consultant connecticut



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Grab the Zoom link

If you’ve signed up through my calendar you will see an email from Calendly in your inbox. Within that email there will be a Zoom link for our call together. From here, you can add it to your personal calendar so it is easily accessible for the time of our call. Looking forward to it!

While you wait, let’s get social

On the blog

AI Writing Tools

AI Writing Tools

While artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools may sound like a dream come true for those with high content demands in their life or business, there are many concerns about the legalities of its use for publication and what using these tools might mean for the future of writing and publishing.
With the advent of AI, writing tools can now generate content for you, from as little as title ideas to entire chunks of content for blogs and paragraphs to chapters.

How to Self-Publish a Book

How to Self-Publish a Book

If you were to Google “How to self-publish a book”, over 9-million responses pop up. So how do you know what’s the right option for you? With the advent of print-on-demand intersecting with the hi-tech world of the day, the beauty is that there is no longer a nebulous gatekeeper sitting in a New York City skyscraper deciding if your content is good enough to put into the world. Anyone can get their content into the world. Awesome! But the bad news is that anyone can get their content into the world.