Create A
Community of Readers

In the enchanting world of book clubs, there exists a magical tool that can transform the reading experience into something even more captivating and communal: the book club kit.

A book club kit is like a treasure chest filled with everything you need to enhance your reading group’s journey. It’s a curated collection of resources designed to deepen your exploration of a chosen book and facilitate spirited discussions among members.

But what exactly goes into one of these treasure troves? In this blog, we’ll discuss the secrets of the perfect book club kit, exploring the essential components that turn an ordinary reading gathering into an experience readers will remember.

Who should utilize a book club kit?

When selecting book genres that are suitable for book clubs and highly likely to be embraced by their members, a few key factors come into play. Accessibility is crucial, as books that are easy to acquire, whether through libraries, bookstores, or digital platforms, tend to be favored. If you are self-publishing, you’ll want to ensure your book is enrolled through the expanded distribution network on Amazon KDP or IngramSpark.

Additionally, genres that offer rich themes, complex characters, and thought-provoking narratives spark passionate discussions, making them ideal for book club selections. While preferences can vary widely among book club members, genres like literary fiction, historical fiction, mystery, and contemporary literature often top the list due to their ability to captivate readers, elicit emotions, and inspire meaningful conversations.

But fiction is not the only genre that finds its seat in book clubs—memoirs are a great pick, too! Memoirs allow members to climb inside the author’s world and excavate life lessons that create a hearty foundation for discussion. Memoirs educate and inspire and can leave a lasting impact on the group.

What Materials Go Into a Book Club Kit?

Your book club kit must be highly unique and represent your book and your brand. Be sure to include content that heightens a reader’s experience and invites them to join your circle. You will want to create materials that bring in visual elements of your book cover or brand to make it mentally stimulating and visually appealing. One of our favorite tools for creating documents like these is Canva.

Here’s what to include:

  • Add photos and a welcome letter: Make it personal by adding images and a personally written letter to your readers on page one. Bonus points if you can add your signature.
  • Provide Discussion questions: Include thought-provoking questions to generate great conversation between the book club members. You will want to touch upon questions that go to your story’s heart and themes. Consider discussing turning-point scenes or moments and even controversial characters.
  • Extra content about the book: you could offer an alternate ending that was once considered but ultimately left on the cutting room floor, a side story about a beloved character or person you know. Share short stories, vignettes, or updates about what happened to the people or symbols after the events of your account.
  • Author Q/A: If you’re unable to attend the book club as the author, it would be nice to provide a Q/A section to provide readers with more information on the process and creation of your story.
  • Food, Drink, and Games: Make your book club kit fun by including additional content such as playlists, photographs, cocktail or mocktail book-related recipes, and/or games that book club members can play.

REMEMBER: You want to make your book memorable, so offer something fun for readers to enjoy!

What Do You Do With a Book Club Kit?

Put it on your website as a downloadable under your “Book” tab to make it easily accessible to readers or book club hosts.

When you’ve created a book club kit for your readers, one of the most effective ways to make it readily available is by placing it prominently on your author website. You can create a dedicated section for your book club kit under the dedicated “Book” or “Books” tab. Ensure that it’s easy to navigate and prominently displayed so that readers and book club hosts can easily access it.

This serves as a valuable resource and demonstrates your commitment to engaging with your audience and providing additional content to enhance their reading experience.

Print Physical Copies

For authors who can participate in book club meetings in person or virtually, having a physical copy of your book club kit can be a thoughtful gesture. Printing out copies of the kit and bringing them with you to share with the book club members can enhance the discussion and provide valuable insights. It also shows your dedication to supporting the book club and its members, making the reading experience more interactive and memorable.

Share with Book Club Hosts

Proactively engaging with book club hosts is a fantastic way to promote your book club kit. Reach out to book clubs, both locally and online, and inform the hosts about the availability of your kit. Provide a brief overview of its contents and how it can enhance their discussion. This outreach encourages book clubs to choose your book and establishes a connection with hosts who can recommend your work to their members, potentially leading to more meaningful discussions and increased exposure for your book.

Add a page in the back matter of your book.

To ensure that readers know the book club kit’s existence, consider adding a dedicated page or section on the back of your book that mentions its availability on your website. This page can include a brief description of the kit’s contents, instructions on accessing it online, and a link to your website. This simple addition can effectively inform readers about the supplementary resources available, encouraging them to engage more deeply with your work and join or start their own book clubs focused on your book.


In the world of literature, the magic doesn’t have to end when the final page is turned. Creating a book club kit for your readers is a remarkable way to keep the spirit of your story alive and foster deeper connections with your audience. By curating thought-provoking discussion questions, supplementary materials, and engaging content, you’re not just providing a platform for readers to engage with your book on a deeper level; you’re inviting them into a vibrant community of literary enthusiasts who share your passion. So, take these insights, personalize them to suit your unique style, and embark on this exciting journey of sharing, connecting, and enriching the reading experience for your cherished readers. Together, we can transform books into vibrant discussions and stories into lasting memories.