Kevin O’Connor Book Reading at Shakespeare & Co in NYC


Two Floors Above Grief is Kevin O’Connor’s debut memoir of growing up in a funeral home. Kevin has launched his book with great success and continues to make great leaps in sharing his book with the world. It was an honor to join Kevin at Shakespeare & Co in Manhattan where he presented his lessons on grief and joy and followed with a book signing.

Visit Kevin O’Connor’s website to learn more about Two Floors Above Grief:

Kevin has been featured on countless podcasts and media coverage:

View his book on Amazon here.

Kevin O'Connor and Amanda Miller at the Two Floors Above Grief Book Signing

Vincent Dublada, Readers' Favorite Reviews

“… O’Connor opens his memoir with a strong impact–a memoir that is guaranteed to feel different, because the author doesn’t take center stage and credits his whole family in the narrative. The family has seen death too many times and they have become accustomed to handling their way around the politics of grief and last respects. There is something that rings true about this book on a profound level. It drives home the message that everyone will die and that we must make the most out of life one day at a time with no pressure. Life and death are indeed related, and whether or not you need convincing, this book is something that you definitely must read.”

KC Finn, Readers’ Favorite Reviews

“… readers seeking totally unique memoirs will not be disappointed by the accomplished writing and engaging storytelling found within Two Floors Above Grief. A recommended read indeed.

Bernadette Longu, Readers’ Favorite Reviews

“…The book catches the reader’s attention from the first page due to the way it starts, through to the last chapter, which is a twist in the tale and a most unusual way to end a book.

Jamie Michele, Readers’ Favorite Reviews

Kevin O’Connor writes his account in the first person with a style that comes across as conversational … O’Connor recounts the upkeep of the renowned home that due to the nature of the business had over 12,000 visitors per year. It’s an unusual story with highs, lows, and a casket elevator that is an interesting read as it is one of a kind. Highly recommended.

The Author’S Experience

I am grateful to Amanda for her skills and talents. She encourages questions and comments.She researches and lets me know the options I have in whatever place I am at in the writing, publishing and marketing process.

Kevin O'Connor

Author, Two Stories Above Grief