
AI Writing Tools

AI Writing Tools

While artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools may sound like a dream come true for those with high content demands in their life or business, there are many concerns about the legalities of its use for publication and what using these tools might mean for the future of writing and publishing.
With the advent of AI, writing tools can now generate content for you, from as little as title ideas to entire chunks of content for blogs and paragraphs to chapters.

How to Self-Publish a Book

How to Self-Publish a Book

If you were to Google “How to self-publish a book”, over 9-million responses pop up. So how do you know what’s the right option for you? With the advent of print-on-demand intersecting with the hi-tech world of the day, the beauty is that there is no longer a nebulous gatekeeper sitting in a New York City skyscraper deciding if your content is good enough to put into the world. Anyone can get their content into the world. Awesome! But the bad news is that anyone can get their content into the world.

Bound for Success

Bound for Success

As the pages of 2023 turn, I find myself immensely grateful for the many books that have woven their way into the fabric of my professional journey as a publishing consultant. This year has been a literary journey, navigating through the diverse landscapes of genres that span from the ethereal realms of fantasy to the grounded and poignant prose of memoir and poetry. Each book I’ve had the privilege to produce bears the unique fingerprints of its author, and together, they form a kaleidoscopic collection that mirrors the vast spectrum of human experience

Crowdfunding Your Book

Crowdfunding Your Book

Depending on an author’s goals, self-publishing a book can come with very little cost or can come with expenses nearing the $10,000 – $15,000 range. For most of our authors, on average, an author may spend up to $10,000 to bring their book to fruition after hiring a publishing consultant, a qualified team of editors, a cover designer, a book layout designer, and the additional production items such as an ISBN or establishing a publishing imprint. For these reasons, some authors have turned to crowdfunding as a way to offset the costs or to fund the book production completely.

Ready for NaNoWriMo

Ready for NaNoWriMo

It’s November! Which means it’s also National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo, for short!) Now, NaNoWriMo has historically been acknowledged as the month to write a full novel start to finish, but some writers, we take it as a kick-in-the-butt to write something each day – whether that’s one short story a day or a piece of poetry a day.

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